Q: Is there any downtime with EMSSlimming ?
A: The EMSSlimming is non-invasive and requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment preparation. You will be able to go back to your normal activities as the lactic acid that builds up from muscle contractions, is flushed out during phase 3 of the treatment cycles.
Q: What areas does EMSSlimming treat?
A: Currently EMSSlimming treats the abdomen for muscle toning and fat reduction, as well as treats the buttocks for lifting and volumization.
Q: What results can I expect with EMSSlimming ?
A: You can expect a 19-23% permanent decrease of fat in the abdomen, as well as a 16% increase in the muscle fibers. For the butt lift, you can expect a 4-4.5cm lift while also increasing the look of volume in the midsection of the buttocks.
Q: How fast will I see results?
A: You begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment, and cumulatively with each consecutive session. Positive results are usually reported two to four weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatments, with maximum results peaking at 3 months.
Q: How long do the results last with EMSSlimming ?
A: Studies show, after the initial series of 4 sessions, results in the muscle can last a year or more, and the results with fat loss are permanent.
Q: What does the EMSSlimming procedure feel like?
A: The EMSSlimming procedure feels like an intensive workout. You can lay down and relax during the treatment. It doesn't hurt but people describe it as a pulsing feeling. We can always adjust the intensity up or down for your comfort but it should always feel completely tolerable.
Q: How long is the EMSSlimming treatment?
A: The EMSSlimming procedure is only a 30 minute treatment. It is recommended to be performed in a series 4 treatments minimum, scheduled two times a week for two weeks.
Q: Are maintenance treatments needed with EMSSlimming ?
A: After your series, you don't need maintenance sessions per say. We call them "enhancement" sessions, as they take you further than just maintaining. Some individuals choose to do quarterly, or twice a year to enhance their already great results.